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Past Events
Launch DMBOK2 Revised Edition. What’s new?
Host: Howard Diesel, President DAMA Southern Africa & CDO of Modelware Systems (Pty) Ltd. P.S.: Not yet a member ...
AI, the best is yet to come! Sold Out
State of Open Data in Belgium and Data Centricity
We are very pleased to have presentations by Mr. Toon Vanagt ( and and by ...
Data as a key enabler for Digital Transformation and Predictive Analytics
Data as a key enabler of Digital Transformation at Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL)  Executive Management’s Considerations ...
PPP (Public Private Partnership): & Data Modeling is Dead, Long Live Schema Design !
PPP (Public Private Partnership): and Data Modeling is Dead, Long Live Schema Design ! Agenda for Thursday, ...
Master Data Management: a data management discipline boosted by Graph and AI technology
On Wednesday July 4th DAMA BeLux has scheduled 2 presentations and a roundtable to enlighten how ...
DAMA CDMP Preparation Workshop and Certification Testing
Certified Data Management Professional Certification, by DAMA International the premier Data Management certification globally Our certification provides levels ...
EU Data Privacy regulation impact on data management
We are very pleased to announce our next event, which will take place on Tuesday, 27th ...
Internet of Things, the data management impact of cars, power, buildings…
We are very pleased to announce our event on IOT, which will take place on Thursday, ...
The IoT (Internet of Things), GS1 standards, and Supply Chain management at Delhaize
We are very pleased to announce our next event, which will take place on Wednesday, 12th ...
The Case for the CDO (Chief Data Officer)
How can we describe it ? Most organizations do a sub-optimal job, in gathering, securing, and ...