
12 Oct 2016


5:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The IoT (Internet of Things), GS1 standards, and Supply Chain management at Delhaize

We are very pleased to announce our next event, which will take place on Wednesday, 12th October 2016, and will be kindly hosted by GS1, at their global Headquarters in the Blue Tower on Avenue Louise. This event will focus on effective data management and data interoperability practices using the GS1 standards in the supply chain & logistics domain (GS1 is the not-for-profit organisation which globally manages product IDs, barcodes, RFIDs, etc.); and GS1 will present their perspective on the IoT (Internet of Things). We will then zoom into a business case study, kindly presented by Delhaize (with a focus on more practical details).


17:00 to 17:15


17:15 to 18:15

PRESENTATION The current state of the “IoT” (Internet of Things), and integration of the GS1 standards into global commercial “ecosystems” Mr. Henri Barthel, Vice President, System Integrity and Global Partnerships, GS1.

In recent years, the “IoT” (the Internet of Things) has become another big “buzzword”, sandwiched between the hype cycles of “Big Data” and “Digital Transformation”. However, in tracing back the history of product IDs, logistics and supply chains, the origins can be seen way back in 1948, with the Berlin Airlift, when data exchange (via 300 baud teletype modem!) was used to track vast quantities of data about transported goods. Fast forward to the present day, when there is an expectation of 25 billion connected devices (in 2020), including smart meters, wearables, appliances, etc. which are all linked via the Internet.

The first bar-coded product, a pack of Wrigley’s chewing gum, was scanned at a shop in Ohio in 1974. Today, over 5 billion products per day are scanned in retail shops, but this is only part of the “big picture”, as GS1 is also actively involved with all relevant parties in other domains, including Health care, food service, and transport and logistics.

Henri Barthel will provide an overview of the essential GS1 standards and services, and expected evolutions in business practices, technology and essential standards, to keep up with the fast growth of the “Internet of Things”.

Mr. Henri Barthel graduated in 1977 from the Université Catholique de Louvain, and has been with GS1 since 1988. Since 2009, he is the Vice President System Integrity and Global Partnerships. In his role, he is active internationally, and here in Brussels with the “Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI)”, an initiative of the European Commission’s Digital Single Market strategy ( )

18:15 to 18:30


18:30 to 19:30

PRESENTATION Supply Chain management at Delhaize.
Mr. Vincent De Hertogh, Manager Supply Chain Strategy, Delhaize Belgium.

Zooming into a more “local” business environment and going into more concrete details, Mr. Vincent De Hertogh, Manager, Supply Chain Strategy, will present the current situation from his perspective at Delhaize, and how they see the GS1 standards are used in concert with their operational practices in Data Management. In fact, Vincent will talk about his main business focus on logistics and supply chain management, to accurately track the flow of goods, as well as the details of millions of transactions each year, with suppliers and customers, across a complex range of thousands of products.

Mr. Vincent De Hertogh has a Masters degree in Commercial Engineering. He has been working in various roles at Delhaize since the mid-1990s. He is currently the Manager, Supply Chain Strategy, providing strategic guidance to the Executive Committee. Vincent is also a Board Member of GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg, Co-Chairman of ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) BeLux, and is a member of the GS1 Global Data Excellence Board.

19:30 to 19:45


19:45 to 20:30



DAMA BeLux gives a very special “Thank You” to today’s event host, GS1 Global.

Download the event one page description

The event is finished.